HCMM's Departure from HQS WELLINGTON

It is with sadness and many fond memories, that The Honourable Company of Master Mariners (HCMM) announces that we will be leaving our floating livery hall, HQS WELLINGTON, which has been our home at Victoria Embankment these past 75 years.
The safety of all members, guests, staff and visitors is, and always has been, of paramount importance to HCMM. The ship is now 90 years old: as mariners we know that no ship lasts forever and, sadly, HQS Wellington is no different. Since 1948, the Grand Old Lady has served the Company well but, increasingly, safety issues have been raised with its owner, the Wellington Trust. Those issues are now such that staff and visitor safety cannot be guaranteed by HCMM.
Following detailed surveys, and on advice from our insurers, the Honourable Company has taken this difficult, but necessary, decision to depart from HQS Wellington and relocate to a temporary administrative base in Greenwich - until arrangements for our new floating livery hall come to fruition.
With growing membership and a post-pandemic vitality, the future for the Honourable Company has never looked brighter or more vibrant. As we look towards our Centenary years of 2025 – 26, Company business will continue as normal and plans are now in place to resume our extensive calendar of London based social events, however the event venues will necessarily change.
Company phone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged for the time being and details of our new business offices will shortly be posted on the Honourable Company website (www.hcmm.org.uk) and on our social media platforms.
The Master, Wardens, and Clerk of the Honourable Company have been truly humbled by the offers of assistance received during these past, difficult few months and we are grateful for the expressions of support from the City Livery Companies, and our many friends throughout the London Maritime Community.

Please see the attached Frequently Asked Questions document which hopefully will aid with any questions you might have.