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30 Apr 2023
by Outports

Declarations April Court 2023

On Friday 28th April 2023, at our Annual Installation Meeting of the Court, we held a Livery 'Cloathing' Ceremony at The Little Ship Club.

Those who were 'cloathed' into Livery have now ascended to the highest level within the Company and therefore are now eligible to attend and vote in the City of London's elections at Common Hall and also seek the highest offices within the Honourable Company. We welcomed (front row, left to right): Lieutenant Commander John Brown; Captain Heather Enness MNM; our Learned Clerk Mr Scott Hanlon and; Captain Alistair Roaf.

This Livery Cloathing Ceremony and elevation to livery marked the last to be conducted by Captain Robin Batt, as Master. Straight after this ceremony, we held the Installation of the new Master, Captain Geoff English, whose CV can be found here.

(Left to Right: The Learned Clerk, Scott Hanlon; Warden Captain Peter McArthur; the Senior Warden, Captain Geoff English; Captain Heather Enness; Warden Captain Chris McDade; The Master, Captain Robin Batt; Warden Commodore Duncan Lamb; Lieutenant Commander John Brown; Warden Mr Matt Burrow; Immediate Past Master, Commander Les Chapman and; Captain Alistair Roaf).